Friday, January 22, 2010

Abby's in Labour...


SO exciting :) Can't wait to meet little Maggie!

If you've got a moment, say a little prayer for mother and bub :)

More details to follow no doubt....

xo Tammy


Jess said...

Yay!!! How very exciting. I reckon she will come sometime tonight. But you just never know!!!!!

P.S. Yay for another post. I miss your posts :(

Kara said...

that is so exciting Tammy! I hope all goes well.

breckster said...

I hope all is going well!

emilysuze said...

Hooray for Abby! Keep us updated on the newest Munro grandbaby!

charrette said...

So exciting! Consider the prayers launched.

Sandy M. said...

When was somebody going to tell ME???!!!
