Sunday, November 29, 2009


We don't have thanksgiving in Australia, and I wish we did. Not because of the feast (because just between you and me, if I was going to come up with a dinner that everyone had to eat once a year, I'd pick better than green beans and candied yams...), but because of the opportunity to have everyone turning inwards and upwards with feelings of reflection and gratitude.

I'm thankful for so many things. I sometimes forget how much I am, and how much I have, and how much I enjoy. My family, friends, my knowledge of and testimony of my Heavenly Father and Saviour. My talents, opportunities and experiences. For music, for this beautiful, beautiful world, and for the tender mercies and teachings of the Spirit, and for prayer. All of these things bring me so much joy. I'm grateful for Jenna and the other two upcoming Munro/Easthopes, I'm grateful for technology, I'm grateful for my church callings, I'm grateful for Christmas. I'm grateful for rain, and running water - for their sounds and smells. I'm grateful for chocolate and watermelon and avocado (although I'd be just a tad more grateful if they were calorie-free), I'm grateful for my ward and the blessing it is to hear from church leaders. I'm grateful for the holiday I'm really looking forward to next year (and for the blessing it will be to escape the office for a month!). I'm grateful for my job, and the things that I've learnt. For my home, my bed, my desk, the kitchen, bathroon, family room. For the roof that covers it all, and the airconditioning that makes it so pleasant. For my car, for my education, and for my ability to read and have access to so many wonderful books. I'm grateful for a sound mind and a (relatively) healthy body. For the freedom, peace and sense of community and belonging I enjoy here in Oz. For the other wonderful places I've also been blessed to visit and live. For the tooth that's finally stopped hurting. For a lack of green beans and candied yams on tonight's menu. For laughter and humour and a Heavenly Father who's love I've never doubted.

Take a look at this video: It's become a new favourite for me. They just get better and better, don't they? :)

And then drop me a line and tell me what you're grateful for....

xo Tammy


Jess said...

I am thankful for my family, Jonny, Jenna; I'm thankful I don't get sick during pregnancy ;) For the gospel of Jesus Christ, for Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father, for life, for being comfortable, for a bed and the ability to sleep. Also food, I can't live without that or water.

I'm grateful for sooo much more, but this is just a few.

I am also grateful for a wonderful sister in you Tammy! I'm glad you live here so I could get to know you.

Love Jessima

Tammy Lorna said...

Awww. Thanks Jessima. I love you too!

xo Tammy

Sandy M. said...

I'm grateful for my bed too! And everything else you mentioned, including, in a very big way - You.

I ate a traditional Thanksgiving meal at the Grand Canyon! I liked the yams and love green beans :)

I'm glad your tooth is better! :)

I love you!

charrette said...

Loved reading your list of gratefuls.

This year I am most thankful for the wilderness.
I wrote about it here:

Abby said...

I'm grateful for everything, I don't have much time so I can't write it all down, but I agree with most of yours :) Loved that Mormon Message - those are sooo good! :) I'm so grateful for family and church and food :) xoxox

Abby said...

Come on Tammy, post! I miss you in cyberspace!!! xoxoxox

Jennsie said...

Yea I think it's time someone updated their profile :P