Friday, July 22, 2011

The Veto System

Okay, so I read this post on Abby's blog 2 minutes ago, and it made me laugh out loud. She totally caught the essence of the night out we had on Wednesday. Anyway, since it's the sort of post I would have written about our system if I wasn't too busy (and let's face it, lazy) to write on my blog, I thought it was appropriate for re-posting here.

So I'm copying and pasting.

(I apologize to family members who've already read it on Abby's blog.... lol!)


Last night I went out with Tammy for dinner. We're both vaguely pathetic when it comes to making decisions. This is okay though, because we have a system.

As we approached the piazza this is kind of how our conversation went last night (and most nights we hang out):

Abby: I veto the pub place.
Tammy: Okay I veto McDonalds
Abby: I veto the Mexican place - Cactus Jacks
Tammy: Huh, how come?
Abby: I don't feel like it.
Tammy: You always veto that place, interesting....I veto Sizzler - I hate that place!
Abby: I don't hate it...I veto...Addiction Cafe.
Tammy: How is that still open, does anyone eat there?!
Abby: I went there with friends once...of course I ate before I went...I bet James'd love it, he likes Asian food...
Tammy: Okay I veto the food court. The entire food court.
Abby: It's not even open!
Tammy: Well I veto it!
Abby: That's dumb
Tammy: I veto the foodbar at the bowling alley
Abby: I veto both chicken places.
Tammy: You can't veto two at once! Wait one of them's not a chicken place - I think it's Italian!
Abby: But we love Italian! How come we've never eaten there??
Tammy: I don't know - let's go walk past it. But I am not committing!
Abby: No way we're eating there on the night of our first walk-by - what if we don't like it!
Tammy: I veto Zarraffas.
Abby: Too late - you already did
Tammy: No I didn't!
Abby: Yes, but when you vetoed the foodcourt and it didn't count, I decided to transfer your veto to Zarraffas.
Tammy: But I transfered it to the bowling alley. Your veto.
Abby: Well, we just have Hog's Breath, the Coffee Club and La Porchetta left - I veto Hogs Breath.
Tammy: How come you don't like Hogs Breath? We never eat there!
Abby: I do like it, I love it when I'm pregnant! I just don't feel like it at the moment.
Tammy: Okay, I veto La Porchetta
Abby: Coffee Club it is!
Tammy: Thankgoodness for the veto system!
Abby: I know - we could never make a decision before it!

Later, at the Coffee Club...

Abby: I veto the breakfast page...and the drinks page...and the kids club/dessert page.
Tammy: I veto the alcoholic beverages
Abby: I veto...the pastas, and the two steaks in the mains menu... and do we need an entree?
Tammy: No
Abby: Okay, vetoing the entrees...and the salads section
Tammy: Wait! What if I want a salad?! Are you vetoing for me too??
Abby: You can do your own vetoing if you want..??
Tammy: Okay...I veto...
etc. etc.

And that's how we roll.


Thanks Abby - you rock!
xo Tammy


Bec said...

Im pretty sure that's CHEATING Tammy!! LOL!
But I like the way you'se roll! :)

Beth and Robbie said...

So I wrote this on Abby's blog the other day and since this is the sort of comment I'd laeve on your blog post (cos let's face it, they're the same) I thought it was appropriate for re-posting here.

Haha, I love it :)
We (me and you or me and Abby..or all of us) used to just to the whole 'What do you feel like?'
'I don't know, what do you want?'
'No, I'm asking you.'
'But I have no opinion so you just choose'
'Okay, ...this'
'..No, I don't want that. What else would you pick?'
...etc etc
The veto system straight up works WAY better!!

Miss you both and love you HEAPSSS! xoxoxox

Sandy M. said...

I veto having to choose! :)

Justin said...

I feel a short film coming on...